Perth Trip.. Day 3 :DD
We woke up, shower changed into our school uniforms.When we came out, we were freezing cold as it was in the morning and we were in our school uniforms and not wearing any long pants.. We quickly ran inside the office and had our breakfast.Then we thanked the owners for arranging the activities and making the meals for us.Then we went into the bus and went to Anzac Terrace Primary School.It was a 2 hour trip to the school,some of us slept in the bus.When we reached there it was still very cold.We entered the school and it was very different from our school.Their school has only a single storey while our school is 4 storeys high.And their school has a playground and a big and wide field. Our school do not have anyplaygroud or a field as big as thiers but our school has a canteen to buy food from but they do not, they bring their own food from home and eat and their hall.Their schools have a lot of CCAs and they focus on sports more than studies unlike Singapore.. :/
Then we went to Caversham Wildlife Park but before that we had our lunch. im n
ot sure where but we had burger and fries and blue and brown coloured drinks. I think The blue coloured drink is Blueberry and The brown one is coke(kinda).Then we went Canversham Wildlife Park..We saw (White,Brown,Red & Grey) kangaroos,Koala,Wombat,Tasmanian Devil,Emu,Dingo and many more.
The fun part was that we got to feed the kangaroos,they were so cute.Then we went t
o the Nougat Factory.To buy some nougat..
Then we rode the bus to The New Esplanade Hotel
As usual all most everyone slept.When we reached there we were split into small groups of 4 or 3..Some of us were on level 4,most of us were in level 5..I was on level 5.The people in my groups was Sabrina Azlyna and me :) We quickly changed and went back down because our teachers said that wewere going to have a quick walk around the the place..Then at the end of the walk we were at a restaurant (not exactly a restaurant) they served us with malay food.. Some of us missed eating rice so they ate like they haven't ate for a month.. After that we went back to our hotels. shower,changed and did our reflection on the UMPC..Then the teachers said they were going to collect the UMPC at 9.55 but they came late so we had to sleep later at around 10.40..We all can't sleep so we talk about what happened just know or anything funny .. Then we got tired and slept.. -___-
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