We woke up a earlier to back up our backs so we will not leave everything behind..We showered quickly and got changed and by the time we were finished Mr Peh asked us to come down and bring everything with us because we are not coming back..So we brought it all out of the rooms , squished it in the lift and put it aside then rushed in to eat breakfast.. Then we boarded the bus to Naragebup Enviroment Centre.. When we came in the owners told and explain why was this built in this manner and what does the name "Naragebup" means..Then they started to tell us more about what are we going to do.First we went around the garden while the owners started to tell us why is organic farming helping the earth and they told us why are chickens important in a farm.Then they showed us their worm farm..(earth worms) They say that earth worms are good for the plant and she even let us hold some earth worms in our hands.It may seem disgusting..
Then they showed us their Marine Life..There were many fishes , turtles , reptilesThey let us touched the snake.. I wanted to holdthe hold snake but i was to scared..So i only hold the tail..Then we went for Lunch.. We ate pizza..The pizza was okay but the potato wedges were delicious.. After that we boarded the bus and went to Perth International Airport and went back to Singapore where a pile of homework awaits me .. ): I Miss The Cool Weather There..
We woke up, shower changed into our school uniforms.When we came out, we were freezing cold as it was in the morning and we were in our school uniforms and not wearing any long pants.. We quickly ran inside the office and had our breakfast.Then we thanked the owners for arranging the activities and making the meals for us.Then we went into the bus and went to Anzac Terrace Primary School.It was a 2 hour trip to the school,some of us slept in the bus.When we reached there it was still very cold.We entered the school and it was very different from our school.Their school has only a single storey while our school is 4 storeys high.And their school has a playground and a big and wide field. Our school do not have anyplaygroud or a field as big as thiers but our school has a canteen to buy food from but they do not, they bring their own food from home and eat and their hall.Their schools have a lot of CCAs and they focus on sports more than studies unlike Singapore.. :/
Then we went to Caversham Wildlife Park but before that we had our lunch. im n
ot sure where but we had burger and fries and blue and brown coloured drinks. I think The blue coloured drink is Blueberry and The brown one is coke(kinda).Then we went Canversham Wildlife Park..We saw (White,Brown,Red & Grey) kangaroos,Koala,Wombat,Tasmanian Devil,Emu,Dingo and many more.
The fun part was that we got to feed the kangaroos,they were so cute.Then we went t
o the Nougat Factory.To buy some nougat..
Then we rode the bus to The New Esplanade Hotel
As usual all most everyone slept.When we reached there we were split into small groups of 4 or 3..Some of us were on level 4,most of us were in level 5..I was on level 5.The people in my groups was Sabrina Azlyna and me :) We quickly changed and went back down because our teachers said that wewere going to have a quick walk around the the place..Then at the end of the walk we were at a restaurant (not exactly a restaurant) they served us with malay food.. Some of us missed eating rice so they ate like they haven't ate for a month.. After that we went back to our hotels. shower,changed and did our reflection on the UMPC..Then the teachers said they were going to collect the UMPC at 9.55 but they came late so we had to sleep later at around 10.40..We all can't sleep so we talk about what happened just know or anything funny .. Then we got tired and slept.. -___-
When we woked up,we quickly bathed and quickly dressed up and wore our thick jackets and waited for the right time to go out. We went out off the lights and it was very dark outside.After we wore our shoes, Sabrina locked the door and we waited out side for the teachers to call us in.For Breakfast we had Scrambled Eggs, Baked Beans, Hasbrowns & Fish Fillets.It was delicious..So it did not take a long time to finish it,we got bored waiting for the rest so we took pictures.The first activity was we were split into two groups.I forgotten the names of the two groupsbut we were suppose to stack a pile of balloons to make it stand on its own ,the hieght of the balloons must be higher than the height of the chair, we were only given a packet of balloons,a pair of scissors and some tapes.The second activity, we had to find 10 different leaves,5 different fruits and how many wooden blocks were in the winery.The next activty, we were suppose to make like a nest to cussion the impact when we drop an egg onto that nest, so it will not crack or even break.My group pluck out some dried grass with some straws and some dried leaves then mixed it together to make the nest.We thought it could work but it didn't D: it cracked a bit but at least it didn't break. :D The activity following activity, we were wrap in tissue paper and we had to walked around to get 4 different bottles without tearing the tissue paper.It was hard because of the number of people but we still did it.The last activity, we were given 18 different pictures of the farm and we had to take the pictures and in sequence.
After that we headed back to our cabins to rest,shower and get changed before lunch.When it time, we went to the office to eat.Our teachers barbequed some sausages.So we just went there took a bun and one sausage and some salad. After i ate that i was full.Then i waited for my friends to finish their food and went outside.Thats when we saw this man and a big dog(female) and many puppies.When everyone finished their food, they all came out to see the dogs (even some of the teachers came out). Then the man started to tell us he was the one who is goingto do the sheep sheering demo for us.So we followed him to the place where we
he keeps the sheeps.First he let the sheeps run freely then he let his dog herd the sheeps back.Then he took out one of the sheeps and started sheering the sheep.(There were a lot of wool on the sheep)Then we went to the winery.Then the person there told us how they make wines.Then we went back to our cabins to rest or shower and got changed.
Then we went to have dinner.After dinner the teachers brought us to the campfire.They started the campfire,we sang some songs,burned some marshmallow and saw many stars in the sky as well as the sunset.(The sunset was beautiful;) ) Then we went back to our cabins and wash our faces and hands, did our reflections and slept.
I was very excited when i reached Changi Airport as it was my first time taking the airplane. After all the teachers had came, they ask us to make a big group while the give out coloured caps and name tags.The different colours of the caps is to show our groups. The colours are Red ,Yellow,White,Blue & Black. I was in the Yellow group, our teacher was Mrs Tham. ^^
After everyone has got their caps and name tags,we went to check in our luggage and get our plane tickets.About 10 or 20 minutes later when everyone has got their tickets , everyone was excited to see who are sitting next to. They teachers quickly did a headcount and when everyone was there .Then we walked quickly to the airplane.When we boarded the plane There was no one beside me yet . so i sat near the window. Around two minutes later more people start to come.
When everyone is seated the plane started to take off. When the plane is stable we quickly on the tv , some of us were listening to songs, some were watching movies and others were playing games..Later the stewardess served us dinner. Some of us were tired and slept after eating as it was a night flight.